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Formal Recruitment Schedule

Kickoff - Thursday, February 8th, 2024 from 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM​ (MacMillan 117)

Mandatory meeting with essential information for the upcoming weekend. Meet your recruitment counselors, ask any last minute questions, and grab your shirt for the open houses!

Round 1 - Open House - â€‹Friday, February 9th, 2024, from 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM​ (Grad Center Bear's Lair)

The first night features a general introduction to each house. You must visit every house to continue to be considered for recruitment.

Round 2 - Philanthropy - Saturday, February 10th, 2024, from 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM (Grad Center Bear's Lair)

On this night, sisters will be introducing the philanthropic cause of each house!

Based on a balance of both your and the chapters' preferences inputted after Round 1, you will be invited back to a maximum of three houses, with each session being about 45 minutes long. Again, you must visit all houses you are invited back to in order to continue with the process.

Round 3 - Preference - â€‹February 11th, 2024, from 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM​ (Grad Center Bear's Lair)

On preference night, you will work on confirming your fit with one house. 

Based on a balance of your and the houses' preferences inputted after Round 2, you will be invited back to a maximum of two houses, with each session being about an hour long. Again, you must visit all houses you are invited back to in order to continue with the process. 

Bid Day - Monday, February 12th, 2024, at 6:30 PM (Salomon 001)

Everyone finds out which house offered them a bid! After opening your bid, you'll get to go back to the chapter's house and spend time with your new sisters!

If you know you'll be unable to make one of these sessions, please submit an excuse form (to be sent out closer to recruitment) and we will do our best to accommodate you. If you need any SEAS or technological accommodations, please let us know in your recruitment registration form (there is a space designated) and we will do our absolute best to make sure you have the most comfortable experience!


2023-2024 Recruitment


Continuous Open Bidding (COB) will occur from September to December 2023 and will be open to all students who have completed one academic year. Over two weeks in October, chapters on campus will host Open Houses for PNMs of any semester level to get a chance to meet current members and begin to learn more about each sorority. Registration for formal recruitment (for all semester levels) will become available in the first week of November and will remain open until the end of winter break. PNMs will be able to register for formal recruitment through CampusDirector. After the four days of formal recruitment in February (9th-12th) Continuous Open Bidding will open up again, this time also available for students in their first year at Brown. 
While recruitment is an exciting time, it’s also normal to feel nervous. In order to make sure that you can have a positive, enriching experience, we’ve created this guide for you.


2024 Primary Formal Recruitment

Primary formal recruitment consists of three rounds of social events over one week in February. During these events, the sororities share their sisterhood with potential new members (PNMs). These events allow you to get a glimpse of the personalities and values of each chapter. Just as sororities are looking for the right women to join their chapters, you should be looking for a chapter that fits you. During the process, you will meet countless remarkable women who will be your friends and inspiration no matter what sorority you, or they, join. 

Continuous Open Bidding


Continuous Open Bidding (COB) is an informal recruitment process which is available for Brown students who have completed one or more semesters. Sororities host events for Potential New Members to meet and get to know current members, and often include opportunities for PNMs to connect with sisters one-on-one. COB can be a great option to see if sorority life is for you, as many COB events are similar to regular sisterhood events that chapters hold throughout the year. PNMs are allowed to participate in COB with as many or as few chapters as they would like! You can find more information about each chapter's COB events this semester on their Instagrams. 


• Be yourself - it may sound corny, but you may make a lifetime commitment to a sisterhood, and you want to do that honestly.


• Have genuine and honest conversations, even if they are about the weather. Your personality will shine through.

• Spend time really getting to know the members.


• Expose yourself to the chapter experience.


• Seek accurate information from the college or university.


• Look for the group where you feel most comfortable.

• Avoid pre-conceived judgements about each house. These will only stop you from making a comfortable decision!


• Keep an open mind.


• Trust the process.


• Have fun!

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