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Outfit Guidelines

Recruitment is not about clothes, it's about the people wearing them! These outfit theme guidelines are provided to reduce anxiety and uncertainty in deciding what to wear. The ultimate guideline is to dress however makes you feel your best!


Day 1
Open House Round

For this round, women will wear the Panhellenic Recruitment shirts distributed at kick-off. The shirts are free and yours to keep after recruitment! While this round is casual, you are welcome to accessorize in ways that show off your personal style-- whether that be through fun pants, jewelry, jackets, or anything else you can think of! 


Day 2
Philanthropy & Sisterhood Round

For this round, wear your favorite Brown University gear or something brown for school spirit! If you don't feel like you have anything that fits the theme, wear what makes you feel your best.

Day 3
Preference Round

Preference is usually the most formal round, with the attire being fairly casual but nice. Think going to a fun event, think nice coffee date, think brunch with friends.  The chapter members will probably be wearing skirts, dresses, and slacks, but be sure to keep it comfortable! 


  • Wear comfortable clothes, especially comfortable shoes

  • Dress for warmth, every chapter will have a coat rack

  • Shop your closet! We do not want you to feel the pressure to buy anything to fit the guidelines

  • Wear whatever makes you feel your best!

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