National Panhellenic Council
"The National Panhellenic Conference is the premier advocacy and support organization for the advancement of the sorority experience."
- NPC Mission Statement as adopted in 2011
The purpose of the National Panhellenic Conference is to promote and advance the common interest of women's-only sororities. The Conference achieves this through interfraternal cooperation and strong partnerships with college and university representatives to support high academic and social standards for women. (paraphrased from the NPC Articles of Incorporation and adopted 2019)
Vision Statement:
Advancing the Sorority Experience Together. (adopted 2011)
We are committed to relationships built on trust through transparency, accountability and mutual respect. Innovation and our core values of friendship, leadership, service, knowledge, integrity and community guide us in fulfilling our mission (adopted 2011).

Brown Panhellenic Council
the collegiate chapter of NPC at Brown University
Statement on Gender Diversity
The Brown Panhellenic Council defines "a woman" in our bylaws as any student who self-identifies as female. This definition is allowed in accordance with NPC Unanimous Agreement X (Protecting the Right of NPC Members to Remain Women-Only Organizations), which defends the right of Panhellenic sororities to continue to exist as single-gender organizations, but also with the values of the Brown Panhellenic community.Â
In accordance with the Potential New Member's (PNMs) bill of rights, every PNM has the right to confidentiality. As such, disclosed biological sex will not be revealed to chapters. In addition, a PNM is entitled to maintain their gender identity, which includes but is not limited to using non-gendered pronouns.
We hope to provide an environment where all individuals who feel aligned with womanhood feel welcome in our community. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.
Brown Panhellenic Code of Ethics
We, the College Panhellenic members of Brown University, agree to promote honesty, respect, sisterhood and cooperation within the College Panhellenic and our respective chapters, and in our daily lives. This code of ethics is designed to inspire our members, reinforce exemplary conduct and values-based leadership, and perpetuate lifelong membership to enrich the sorority and Panhellenic experience. The following are just some of our commitments:
We, as College Panhellenic members of Brown University, agree on and commit to:
Uphold and demonstrate the Panhellenic spirit in thought, word and action through our chapters as well as individual members.
Demonstrate ethical behavior and conduct ourselves in a manner consistent with the mission and values of the College Panhellenic, each inter/national organization and our institution.
Plan recruitment events that provide opportunities for the greatest possible number of potential new members to become sorority members while protecting the rights and privileges of individuals and the chapters.
Provide an equitable and inclusive sorority experience for all individuals who are interested at the institution.
Provide a safe, positive and enriching recruitment experience, understanding that membership is a social experience arrived at by mutual selection.
Strive to be truthful, honorable, open and friendly to all potential new members during all recruitment events.
We, as Panhellenic women of Brown University, also agree on and commit to:
Abide by all local and federal laws and NPC inter/national member organization bylaws.
Hold one another accountable to these standards, remembering at all times that we represent not only our individual chapters but also the Panhellenic community as a whole.
Acknowledge that the strength of our Panhellenic community depends on keeping each chapter strong. We will assist and support other chapters in any way possible when requested.
Will not haze or allow anyone to be hazed.
As the Panhellenic community of Brown University these are the tenets by which we strive to live: ​
Support individuality and diversity within our organizations rather than conformity, and value and learn from those who are different than we are.
Act in a way that reflects our founding values and the best aspects of sisterhood, and model true sisterhood to others.
Are open, accepting and hospitable to all self-identifying women on campus.
Educate all new members to know, value, and uphold this code of ethics.